Dry Vs. Canned Food
Many people will argue that canned food is better for your pet than dry food. The bottom line is that your pet’s nutrition is a priority for you. At the end...
Many people will argue that canned food is better for your pet than dry food. The bottom line is that your pet’s nutrition is a priority for you. At the end...
Sometimes lawns can have bare spots and unfortunately toupees aren’t intended for that purpose too. Here are the steps you need to take to re-seed those areas...
In addition to adding bird feeders and filling up a bird bath, you can also attract wild birds by planting seed bearing flowers to your landscape. • Common...
What is a stink bug? What do they eat? How do I get rid of them? Find out all you need to know to keep your garden and home stink bug free this year!
Here are a few helpful suggestions and tips to keep your gardens at their peak performance.
May's weather is anything but predictable. Pay attention to weather forecast and warnings. April showers may have brought more than just flowers or nothing...
Cats and dogs can be warm, wonderful companions. However, those companions will often most likely bring other parasitic creatures into your lives that are not...
Mulch adds the finishing touch to your home's landscaping but it's not just a pretty frame, mulch offers many other benefits as well…
Spring is finally here! While there is much to do in your yard and garden this month, don't get discouraged! There is plenty of time in the month to get to...
Starting a compost pile is as easy as following a cooking recipe. Just get the right ingredients together, mix well, and let it cook.
Start your garden early by sowing seeds in containers indoors. Any container that drains well can be used, but many gardeners prefer peat pots or pellets...
Starting seeds indoors is a great way to ensure earlier blooms and an earlier harvest from your garden, and allows you to choose longer-growing cultivars to...
The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual 4-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the...
Shorter days and colder temperatures can have the same depressing effects on pets as they do on pet owners. Fortunately, there are easy ways cat owners can...
As it gets colder and there are less leaves on trees, birds need more places to hide from predators and where they can get inside to stay warm. A Christmas...
Chickens are much tougher than they appear and they only need a little extra care during the winter months. Here are a few essential tips to consider when...
The key to having a safe Christmas tree is to choose one that is fresh and has been properly stored, then keep it that way. Fresh Christmas trees that are...
Most spring-blooming bulbs can be forced into bloom. The most common choices are hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, grape hyacinths and crocuses
By properly cleaning and winterizing your grill it will be ready for the first spring or summer cookout next year.
Perennials can be an easy addition to your flowerbeds that you can enjoy year after year, but without the proper preparation for winter even the hardiest...
When you're busy raking leaves every autumn, take a break and use some of those leaves to help the birds! Fallen leaves, or leaf litter, can be very...
Depending on the species, birds may migrate hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of miles every year. They travel between their winter range and...
The growing season for your lawn is almost over. You might think that all that remains is a quick mow to tidy things up until next spring. You would be quite...
Sometimes, even those who have been home canning for years may run into problems with their food-filled jars. Some problems are related to the condition of...
Along with the warm and humid days of summer comes the mosquito. Although cats seem to be guarded against mosquitoes by their fur, they are vulnerable to...
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